About Dr. Senthil.P
Dr. Senthil.P is a Physiotherapist from Bangalore, India. He has been practicing for 11 Years.
As far as education concerns, He has done BPTh/BPT from annamalai university, class of 1999. He Completed MPT - Orthopedic Physiotherapy from annamalai university, class of 2003. He Completed MD - Alternate Medicine from Indian Institude Of Alternate Medicine. He Completed Diploma in Acupuncture from International University For Complementary Medicines, Srilanka. He has worked as Director at J.p.nagar Medical And Physiotherapy Centre from 2012 to 2014. He has worked as Director at J.p.nagar Medical And Physiotherapy Centre,bangalore from 1999 to 2013.
He is affiliated with Indian Association Of Physiotherapist
Dr. Senthil.P is KNOWN FOR
Dr. Senthil.P 's EDUCATION
Dr. Senthil.P completed BPTh/BPT
from annamalai university
, Class Of 1999
Dr. Senthil.P completed MPT - Orthopedic Physiotherapy
from annamalai university
, Class Of 2003
Dr. Senthil.P completed MD - Alternate Medicine
Dr. Senthil.P completed Diploma in Acupuncture
Dr. Senthil.P 's Experience
Director at J.p.nagar Medical And Physiotherapy Centre from 2012 to 2014.
Director at J.p.nagar Medical And Physiotherapy Centre,bangalore from 1999 to 2013.
Dr. Senthil.P 's LOCATION
Dr. Senthil.P 's AFFILIATION

Indian Association Of Physiotherapist
Dr. Senthil.P has not provided certification information yet.
Dr. Senthil.P 's AWARDS
Dr. Senthil.P has not provided awards information yet.