Dr. Raghunatha Reddy R

Plastic and Cosmetic Surgeon  (Plastic Reconstructive and Aesthetic Surgery)
MBBS , MD - Dermatology , DNB
  Bangalore, India

 (Practicing for 11 Years )
  • 300 Doc Points
  • 0 Answers
  • 0 Doctors Agree
Area Of Expertise
Cosmetic/plastic Surgeon
Hair Transplant Surgeon
Pediatric Dermatologist

About Dr. Raghunatha Reddy R

Dr. Raghunatha Reddy R is a Plastic and Cosmetic Surgeon from Bangalore, India. He has been practicing for 11 Years.
As far as education concerns, He has done MBBS from Mysore University, class of 1993. He Completed MD - Dermatology. He Completed DNB. He is affiliated with Indian Association Of Dermatologists, Venereologists And Leprologists (iadvl)

Dr. Raghunatha Reddy R's EDUCATION

  Dr. Raghunatha Reddy R completed MBBS from Mysore University , Class Of 1993
  Dr. Raghunatha Reddy R completed MD - Dermatology
  Dr. Raghunatha Reddy R completed DNB

Dr. Raghunatha Reddy R's LOCATION

Dr. Raghunatha Reddy R's AFFILIATION

  Indian Association Of Dermatologists, Venereologists And Leprologists (iadvl)

Dr. Raghunatha Reddy R's CERTIFICATIONS

Dr. Raghunatha Reddy R has not provided certification information yet.

Dr. Raghunatha Reddy R's AWARDS

Dr. Raghunatha Reddy R has not provided awards information yet.
Dr. Raghunatha Reddy R Is Not Associated With Any Clinic Currently.