About Dr. Preetham H S
Dr. Preetham H S is a Dermatologist from Mysore, India. He has been practicing for 2 Years.
As far as education concerns, He has done MD (Dermatology) from jjm medical college davangere, class of 2023. He Completed MBBS from Adichunchanagiri Institute of Medical Sciences, class of 2018. He has worked as Senior Resident Doctor at Medical College from 2023 to till date.
Dr. Preetham H S is KNOWN FOR
Dr. Preetham H S's EDUCATION
Dr. Preetham H S completed MD (Dermatology)
from jjm medical college davangere
, Class Of 2023
Dr. Preetham H S completed MBBS
from Adichunchanagiri Institute of Medical Sciences
, Class Of 2018
Dr. Preetham H S's Experience
Senior Resident Doctor at Medical College from 2023 to till date.
Dr. Preetham H S's LOCATION
Dr. Preetham H S's AFFILIATION

Karnataka Medical Council

Indian academy of dermatology
Dr. Preetham H S has not provided certification information yet.
Dr. Preetham H S's AWARDS
Dr. Preetham H S has not provided awards information yet.