About Dr. Prashanth Chandra NY
Dr. Prashanth Chandra NY is a General Physician from Hyderabad, India. He has been practicing for 16 Years.
As far as education concerns, He has done DNB (General Medicine) from National Borad Of Examinations Ministry Of Health Government Of India, class of 2008. He Completed MD - General Medicine, class of 2008. He Completed Diploma in Diabetology from annamalai university, class of 2009. He has worked as Consultant Physician & Diabetologist at from 2008 to 2014.
Dr. Prashanth Chandra NY is KNOWN FOR
Dr. Prashanth Chandra NY has not provided medical topics/area of expertise yet.
Dr. Prashanth Chandra NY's EDUCATION
Dr. Prashanth Chandra NY completed DNB (General Medicine)
from National Borad Of Examinations Ministry Of Health Government Of India
, Class Of 2008
Dr. Prashanth Chandra NY completed MD - General Medicine
, Class Of 2008
Dr. Prashanth Chandra NY completed Diploma in Diabetology
from annamalai university
, Class Of 2009
Dr. Prashanth Chandra NY's Experience
Consultant Physician & Diabetologist at from 2008 to 2014.
Dr. Prashanth Chandra NY's LOCATION
Dr. Prashanth Chandra NY's AFFILIATION

Indian Medical Association (ima)

Research Society For The Study Of Diabetes In India (rssdi)

American Diabetes Association (ada)
Dr. Prashanth Chandra NY's CERTIFICATIONS
Dr. Prashanth Chandra NY has not provided certification information yet.
Dr. Prashanth Chandra NY's AWARDS
Dr. Prashanth Chandra NY has not provided awards information yet.