About Dr. K.S. Natraj
Dr. K.S. Natraj is a Orthopedist from Bangalore, India. He has been practicing for 42 Years.
As far as education concerns, He has done MBBS from Bmc Bangalore. He Completed Diploma in Orthopaedics from Bmc Bangalore. He Completed MS - Orthopaedics from Bmc Bangalore. He has worked as Chairman at Ima Academy Of Medical Scinces from 2014 to 2014.
Dr. K.S. Natraj is KNOWN FOR
Dr. K.S. Natraj 's EDUCATION
Dr. K.S. Natraj completed MBBS
Dr. K.S. Natraj completed Diploma in Orthopaedics
Dr. K.S. Natraj completed MS - Orthopaedics
Dr. K.S. Natraj 's Experience
Chairman at Ima Academy Of Medical Scinces from 2014 to 2014.
Dr. K.S. Natraj 's LOCATION
Dr. K.S. Natraj 's AFFILIATION

Indian Medical Association (ima)

Indian orthopaedic association

Karnataka Orthopaedic Association
Dr. K.S. Natraj has not provided certification information yet.
Dr. K.S. Natraj 's AWARDS
Dr. K.S. Natraj has not provided awards information yet.