Dr. Harsha Vardhan
  Dr. Harsha Vardhan

Dr. Harsha Vardhan

Surgeon  (Surgery - Oncology)
MBBS , MS (General Surgery)
  Bareilly, India

 (Practicing for 21 Years )
  • 200 Doc Points
  • 0 Answers
  • 0 Doctors Agree
Area Of Expertise
Dr. Harsha Vardhan has not updated expertise & skill set yet.

About Dr. Harsha Vardhan

Dr. Harsha Vardhan is a Surgeon from Bareilly, India. He has been practicing for 21 Years.
As far as education concerns, He has done MBBS from Karnatak Medical College - Dharwad University, class of 1998. He Completed MS (General Surgery) from Government Medical College Patiala, class of 2004.
Practice Location : Vinayak Hospital

Dr. Harsha Vardhan is KNOWN FOR

Dr. Harsha Vardhan has not provided medical topics/area of expertise yet.

Dr. Harsha Vardhan's EDUCATION

  Dr. Harsha Vardhan completed MBBS from Karnatak Medical College - Dharwad University , Class Of 1998
  Dr. Harsha Vardhan completed MS (General Surgery) from Government Medical College Patiala , Class Of 2004

Dr. Harsha Vardhan's Practice LOCATION


Vinayak Hospital

Opposite City Railway Station
   Bareilly, India

Dr. Harsha Vardhan's AFFILIATION

Dr. Harsha Vardhan has not provided affiliation information yet.

Dr. Harsha Vardhan's CERTIFICATIONS

Dr. Harsha Vardhan has not provided certification information yet.

Dr. Harsha Vardhan's AWARDS

Dr. Harsha Vardhan has not provided awards information yet.

Vinayak Hospital

Opposite City Railway Station
   Bareilly, India