About Dr. C.Kavitha
Dr. C.Kavitha is a Gynecologist from Hyderabad, India. She has been practicing for 29 Years.
As far as education concerns, She has done Gynaecology from Kasturba Medical College - Mangalore, class of 2000.
She is affiliated with Federation Of Obstetric And Gynaecological Societies Of India (fogsi)
Dr. C.Kavitha is KNOWN FOR
Dr. C.Kavitha 's EDUCATION
Dr. C.Kavitha completed Gynaecology
from Kasturba Medical College - Mangalore
, Class Of 2000
Dr. C.Kavitha 's LOCATION
Dr. C.Kavitha 's AFFILIATION

Federation Of Obstetric And Gynaecological Societies Of India (fogsi)
Dr. C.Kavitha has not provided certification information yet.
Dr. C.Kavitha 's AWARDS
Dr. C.Kavitha has not provided awards information yet.