About Dr. Anupam Sengupta
Dr. Anupam Sengupta is a Opthalmologist from Rampur, India. He is licenced from Uttar Pradesh, India and has been practicing for 24 Years.
As far as education concerns, He has done MS from King George's Medical University Uttar Pradesh, class of 1998. He has worked as Senior Resident at Aravind Eye Hospital from 1998 to 1999. He has worked as Private practice at Rampur from 2001 to 2014.
He has been awarded with Mohan Lal Memorial Gold Medal award.
He has done certification in Mbbs, Ms and Ms.
Dr. Anupam Sengupta is KNOWN FOR
Dr. Anupam Sengupta's EDUCATION
Dr. Anupam Sengupta completed MS
from King George's Medical University Uttar Pradesh
, Class Of 1998
Dr. Anupam Sengupta's Experience
Senior Resident at Aravind Eye Hospital from 1998 to 1999.
Private practice at Rampur from 2001 to 2014.
Dr. Anupam Sengupta's LOCATION
Dr. Anupam Sengupta's AFFILIATION
Dr. Anupam Sengupta has not provided affiliation information yet.
Dr. Anupam Sengupta's CERTIFICATIONS
Dr. Anupam Sengupta's AWARDS

Mohan Lal Memorial Gold Medal award