Dr. Ankit Gujarathi
  Dr. Ankit Gujarathi

Dr. Ankit Gujarathi

Orthopedist  (Orthopaedic Surgery - Orthopaedic Sports Medicine)
  Pune, India

 (Practicing for 13 Years )
  • 102 Doc Points
  • 0 Answers
  • 0 Doctors Agree
Area Of Expertise
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About Dr. Ankit Gujarathi

Dr. Ankit Gujarathi graduated from Medical college in pune. He finished his postgraduation in orthopaedics from Deenanath Mangeshkar Hospital affiliated to university of Pune. He was awarded Balu Sankaran Gold Medal by National Board Examination (DNB Gold Medalist), India in year 2014.He has special interest and expertise in knee injuries. He practices Joint Replacement ,Arthroscopy and Sports orthopaedics in Pune
Dr. Ankit Gujarathi is a Orthopedist from Pune, India. He is licenced from Maharashtra, India and has been practicing for 13 Years.
As far as education concerns, He has done DNB from Mahatma Gandhi Medical College and Research Institute, class of 2012.

Dr. Ankit Gujarathi is KNOWN FOR

Dr. Ankit Gujarathi has not provided medical topics/area of expertise yet.

Dr. Ankit Gujarathi's EDUCATION

  Dr. Ankit Gujarathi completed DNB from Mahatma Gandhi Medical College and Research Institute , Class Of 2012

Dr. Ankit Gujarathi's LOCATION

Dr. Ankit Gujarathi's AFFILIATION

Dr. Ankit Gujarathi has not provided affiliation information yet.

Dr. Ankit Gujarathi's CERTIFICATIONS

Dr. Ankit Gujarathi has not provided certification information yet.

Dr. Ankit Gujarathi's AWARDS

Dr. Ankit Gujarathi has not provided awards information yet.
Dr. Ankit Gujarathi Is Not Associated With Any Clinic Currently.