About Dr. Amit Kumar
Dr. Amit Kumar is a Dentist from India. He has been practicing for 21 Years.
As far as education concerns, He has done MDS from Vydehi Institute Of Dental Sciences Research. He Completed BDS from Kle Societys Institute Of Dental Sciences,bangalore, class of 2004. He has worked as Consultant at Nakshathra Dental from 2014 to 2014.
Dr. Amit Kumar is KNOWN FOR
Dr. Amit Kumar 's EDUCATION
Dr. Amit Kumar completed MDS
Dr. Amit Kumar completed BDS
from Kle Societys Institute Of Dental Sciences,bangalore
, Class Of 2004
Dr. Amit Kumar 's Experience
Consultant at Nakshathra Dental from 2014 to 2014.
Dr. Amit Kumar 's LOCATION
Dr. Amit Kumar 's AFFILIATION
Dr. Amit Kumar has not provided affiliation information yet.
Dr. Amit Kumar has not provided certification information yet.
Dr. Amit Kumar 's AWARDS
Dr. Amit Kumar has not provided awards information yet.