Varenya Clinic is located in Ghaziabad, India. Varenya Clinic is specialized in Internal Medicine and Obstetrics and Gynecology.
Varenya Clinic offers various treatments like Blood Sugar R, Consultation, Consultation 1, Consultation 2, Consultation 3, Consultation 4, ECG, Follow up, Pleural Tapping, COPPER T INSERTION, COPPER T REMOVAL, NST, PAP SMEAR and Skin procedure. The doctors associated with this clinic are
Dr. Deepak Verma (specialized in Internal Medicine),
Dr. Promila S (specialized in Obstetrics and Gynecology),
Dr. Dr.Sushil Gaur (specialized in Otolaryngology),
Dr. Bharti Verma (specialized in Dermatology & Venerology) and
Dr. Dr.Deepankar Verma (specialized in Orthopaedic),