State of art dental equipment's with a specialized dental expertise for infant children and adults
Tooth Talez is located in Jaipur, India. Tooth Talez is specialized in Dentistry - Pedodontics and Dentistry - Periodontics.
Tooth Talez offers various treatments like Apicoectomy, Cavities, Composite filling, Compositeveenering, Consultation, Crown, Crown 1, Expansion, Extraction 2, Filling, Fillings, Fluoride Treatment, GIC, Gum Surgery Full Mouth, Implants, IOPA, Luting, MTAPlacement, Myofunctional therapy, Oralprophylaxis, Orthodontic Treatment, Pediatric Crowns, Pitandfissursealant, Post and core, Pulpotomy Pulpectomy, RCT, Re Cementation, RE RCT, Restoration, Scaling Polishing, Sealant, Space Maintainer, Ssc, Stainless steel crown, Stainless steel crown 1, Stripcrown, Wisdom tooth extraction, Orthodontic treatment , Consultation 1, Scaling, Checkup, Extraction, Bonding and Orthodontictreatment. The doctors associated with this clinic are
Dr. Sudhanshu Bhatnagar (specialized in Dentistry - Pediatric),
Dr. Gauri Bhatnagar (specialized in Dentistry - Periodontics),
Dr. Nishant Gupta (specialized in Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery) and
Dr. Shiva Gupta (specialized in Dentistry - Orthodontics),