SRI SARASWATHI DENTAL CLINIC is located in Erode, India. SRI SARASWATHI DENTAL CLINIC is specialized in Dentistry.
SRI SARASWATHI DENTAL CLINIC offers various treatments like CD, 100, 2 stage implent, 3M Lava Classic, 3M Lava Essential, 3M Lava Premium, 3M Lava Translucent, 3m monolith full contour , 3mlava essential, 809, ACRYLIC BRIDGE, ACRYLIC BRIDGE 1, ACRYLIC CROWN, After 6 month upper implant ceramic bridge, Agaralic bridge, Agrylic Bridge, Agrylic jc, Agumentin DDS, ALL LOWER, Amflor, Amflor mouth wash, Amflox, Amflox mouth wash, ANABEL CT GEL, Another filling , Appoinments, Artho, Athorox, Attachment, Augmentin dds, B, B fresh, BALANCE, BEFRESH MOUTHWASH, Benzonac, Besal implant, Betadine, Betadine 1, Betadine mouth wash, BETAKIND, Betakind mouth wash, Betatine mouth wash, Bhar, Bi Folate, BITAKIND MOTHWASH, BITE PLANE, Bite registration, Bite rise, Bleaching, BLESH, Bone Grafting, BP, Bracket fix, Bracket fix 1, Braket Fix, Braket removal, BRIDGE, BRIDGE 1, Bridge cap, Bridge fixin, Brige refixing, BRUSH, Buccal tube, BURSH, C, C0NSALTATI0N, CANDID GEL, Candy cap paste, Cap, Cap Fixing, Cap 1, Cap 2, Cap 3, Cap 4, CAP DMLS, CAP FIXING 1, Cap fixing upper, Cap measurment, Cap re fixing, Cap remind, Cap with cap, CAPFIXING, CAPFIXING 1, CAPMEASURMENT, Capwith, CBCT, Cbctremind, CD, Cd checkup, CD complete danger, CD Polishing, CD Rebasing, CD REPAIR WORK, Cd try in, CD UPPER LOWER, Ceramic, CERAMIC BRIDGE, CERAMIC BRIDGE 1, Ceramic Bridge Lower, Ceramic Bridge Upper, CERAMIC CAP, CERAMIC CAP 1, CERAMIC CAP 2, Ceramic crowm, Ceramic crown, Ceramic crown bridge, Ceramic crown premium, CERAMIC FACING, Ceramic FPD, CERAMIC ORTHO, Ceramic repair work, CeramicCap, CERAMIKPRIDGE, Cervical abrasion GIC, Cheerio paste, Chlohex ads mouthwash, Chlohex plus mouthwash, Chlor dent mouthwash, Chlorhexplus mouthwash, Cleaning, Clear Aligner, Clear retainar, Clear retainar lower, Clear Retainer, Clear Retainer 1, Clear Retainer 2, Clip, Clip 1, Clohex ADS mouthwash, CLOHEX MOUTHWASH, CLOHEX PLUS MOUTHWASH, Clordent mouthwash, Clorni gel, Co builder, Colgate Sensitive Pro Relief, COMPLETE DENTURE, Componeer, Composite, Composite bridege, Composite cap, Composite Crown, Composite filing, Composite filling, Composite filling 1, Composite filling 2, Composite filling and rct, Composite filling,gic filling, Composite fillng, Composite laminate, Composite veener, Consaltation, Consulation, Consultation 1, Consultation 2, Consultation 3, Consultation 4, Consultaton Injuction, Cromic crown, Crowm, Crown, Crown 1, Crown length, Crown patient choice, Crown preparation, Crown ruemematim, Crowncrip, CROWNCUTTING, CrownPrep, CURENEXT, Curenext gel, De bonding, Densure kf tooth paste, DENTURE BPS, Diastema closare, Dmls metal ceramic full, DOLOGEL CT, Drez, E MAX, E MAX 1, E max veneer, E-max, EASY BRACES, Eigydium , ELEGYDIUM, ELGYDIUM, ELGYDIUM 1, ELGYDIUM JUNIOR, Elgydium paste, Eludril, Eludril paste, Emax, Emax crown, Emergency Treatment, EMI, EMI DOCUMENT CHARGE, Enameloplasty, Entrance filling, EntranceFilling, EXRACTION, Exray, Exrey, Ext, Ext 1, Extracti, Extraction &pd, Extraction 1, Extraction 2, Extraction 3, Extraction 4, Extractioncheckup, Extractioncheckup 1, FACING, FACING CERAMIC, FACING CERAMIC BRIDGE, FBD, Fiber post, Fiber post Composite, Fiber Splint, Fiber Splint Lower, Fiber Splint Upper, FIBRE POST, FILLING, FILLING PASTE, FILLING 1, FILLING 2, FILLING 3, FILLING 6 TEETH, Filling and scaling, Filling Cention, FILLING COMPOSITE, FILLING COMPOSITE 1, FILLING COMPOSITE 2, FILLING GIC, Filling Universel, FILLINGCHECKUP, Fiveber split, Fixed, Fixed Aplaince, FIXED APPLIANCE, FIXED APPLIANCE REWORK, Fixed bridge, Fixed ortho applience, Fixing, Flagyl, Flamiclav, Flap Surgery, Flashing Machine, Flemiclav, FLEXI DENTURE, FLEXIBLE DENTURE, Flexidenture, Fornt Tooth Composite Filling, Fpd, Frenectomy, FRESHCLOR MOUHWASHT, Fxed ortho, Gargle, Gargle betakind, GEL, GEL 1, GEL 2, GEL ORNIGREAT, Gel pack, GEL TURBOCORT, Gel.Gumloc, Gel.h gum, Gel.hiora, Gel.Kenacort, Gel.metrohex, Gel.Nitragel, Gel.pansoral, Gel.Ras, Gel.rexidin, Gel.turbocort, Gelatamp, Geltam, GENARALCHECKUP, GIC FILLING, Gic filling,scaling, GRINDING, Guide, Gum gel, H Gum, H gum gel, H-gum, H-gum gel, HAA, Hard splint, Hawlays, HAWLEYS, Hawleys with RME, Hident k, Himalaya, HIORA GA, HIORA K MOUTHWASH, HIORA K PASTE, HIORA SG, HIRORA SG, Hydent K, Hydent K 1, Hydent pro, IBUKIND PLUS, Immediate Crown, Immediate Crown 1, Immediate Implant, Immediate implant Upper, Impaction 1, IMPACTIONCHECKUP, IMPLANT 1, IMPLANT 2, Implant and interim upper cd, Implant and other crown, Implant and rct, Implant ceramic, Implant crown, Implant hybred, Implant remind, Implant upper arch, IMPLANT WITH CERAMIC CROWN, Implant with Crown, IMPLANTCHECKUP, Impression, Incision and drainage, Ing, Inj, Injection, Injiection, Injuction, Injunction, Inlay, Insecion 11, INTERDENTAL BRUSHES, JC, KIDODENT MOUTH WASH, KIDS BUNNY PASTE, Lasering, Lava Essential, Lava Essential Zirconia, Lava translucent, Lazariy , LEXANOX, Lignox gel, Lognox gel, Lower, LOWER UPPER CD, Lower anterior bridge, Lower bracket placement, Lower Bridge, Lower cd, LOWER CERAMIC BRIDGE, Lower Fixed Retainer, Lower Implant, LOWER PD, Lower RPD, Lucia jig, Lucia jig fix, M Ulcerdent, MAA MOUTHWASH, Measurement, Measurmnt, MEFTAGESIC P SYRUP, Mertohex gel, MESERMENT, Mesurement, Metal Bridge, METAL CAP, METAL CAP 1, Metal ceramic cap, Metal crown, Metal Facing, Metal ortho, METALCROWNMEASURMENT, Metro hex gel, METROGYL 30ML, Metrohex, Metrohex gel, Metronidazole, MLS, MLS BRIDGE, MLS CAP, MLS cap 5ml, MLS Filling Scaling, MLS METAL CROWN, Mlscrownfixation, MLSMesurement, Molar, Mouth Wash, Mouth Wash 1, Mouth Wash 2, Mouth wash eludril, MOUTHWASH, MOUTHWASH 1, Mouthwash chlordent, MTA, MTA COMPOSITE FILLING, MTA Filling, MTA RCT, Mucocele excision, Mucopain Gel, Multiple rct, Muscle deprogrammer, NANODENT PASTE, Natura, New Patient, NIGHT GOARD, NIGHT GUARD, NOVAMOX 250, Obturation, OFLOMAC SYRUP, Omnident tooth paste, Operculectomy, Opg, Opper cutulumm, Ora ways gel, Orahex pro , Oraways, Oraways gel, Ornidazole gel, Ornigreat, Ornigreat gel, ORO GARD MOUTH WASH, Orosoft Gel, Oroways paste, Ortho, Ortho 1, Ortho 2, Ortho 3, Ortho checkup, Ortho fixing, Ortho lower fixing, Ortho Metal , Ortho Metal After Next Month, Ortho oyair, Ortho retainer, Orthocheckup, Othorox, PAIN, Pansoral, PARADONTEX PASTE, Paset, PASTE, PASTE MOUTH WASH, PASTE 1, PASTE 2, PASTE 3, Paste Caziq, Paste elgydium, Paste Thermoseal, Paste.RA thermoseal, PD, PD 1, PD 2, Pd repaid work, Pd trimming, PDCHECKUP, PermanentFilling, PermanentFilling 1, Pesal implant, Pin hole surgery, Plating, PLATINGCHECKUP, Plexigo tooth paste, POLISHING, POLISHING 1, POST, Post and core, Post and crown, Prash, Pulpal Therapy, Pulpotomy, R, RA Thermoseal, Rc, RCD, RCT, RCT Filling, RCT WITH BRIDGE, RCT 1, RCT 2, RCT 2300, Rct 2nd visit, RCT 3, Rct 3000, Rct 3rd visit, RCT 4, RCT 5, Rct and ceramic cap, Rct and ceramic cap and bridge, Rct crown, Rct start, RCT WITH FACINGCERAMIC, RCT WITH ACRYLIC CAP, RCT with Bridging, RCT WITH CAP, RCT with Ceramic Bridge, RCT WITH CERAMIC CAP, RCT with ceramic crown, RCT with ceramic crown 1, RCT WITH CERAMIC FACING, Rct with composite fillng, RCT with Crown, RCT WITH E.MAX, RCT WITH FACING WORK, RCT with FIBER POST FILLING, Rct with filling, RCT With Immediate Crown, RCT With Immediate Crown 1, RCT WITH METAL CAP, RCT WITH MLS CAP, RCT With MTA, Rct with pd, RCT WITH PREMIUM CERAMIC, RCT WITH ZIRCONIA, Rct with zirconia crown, RCT1STVISIT, RCT2ndVisit, RCT2ndVisit 1, RCT2ndVisit 10, RCT2ndVisit 100, RCT2ndVisit 101, RCT2ndVisit 102, RCT2ndVisit 103, RCT2ndVisit 104, RCT2ndVisit 105, RCT2ndVisit 106, RCT2ndVisit 107, RCT2ndVisit 108, RCT2ndVisit 109, RCT2ndVisit 11, RCT2ndVisit 110, RCT2ndVisit 111, RCT2ndVisit 112, RCT2ndVisit 113, RCT2ndVisit 114, RCT2ndVisit 115, RCT2ndVisit 116, RCT2ndVisit 117, RCT2ndVisit 118, RCT2ndVisit 119, RCT2ndVisit 12, RCT2ndVisit 120, RCT2ndVisit 121, RCT2ndVisit 122, RCT2ndVisit 123, RCT2ndVisit 124, RCT2ndVisit 125, 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RctSecondvisit 1, RctSecondvisit 2, RctSecondvisit 3, RctSecontd, RCTStart, RCTStart 1, RCTStart 10, RCTStart 11, RCTStart 12, RCTStart 2, RCTStart 3, RCTStart 4, RCTStart 5, RCTStart 6, RCTStart 7, RCTStart 8, RCTStart 9, Re rct, Re rct 23, Re rct 46, Rebilda DC, Recementation of crown, Regular rct, Remember, Reminder for rct, Removable Appliance, Removable clip, Removable Maxillary expansion appliance, Removal Appliance, Removal clip, Removel applience, Removel clip, REMOVER, Remuvable clip, REPAIR WORK, REXIDEN GEL, REXIDEN M GEL, Rexiden mouthwash, Rexidin m paste, Root filling, RootFilling, RootFilling 1, RootFilling 2, Rootfillng, RPD, RPD 1, RPD 2, RPD BRIDGE, Rpd checkup, Rpd fixing, Rpd insertion, RPD REPAIR, RPDtrial, RPT, RR SENSOFORM, RR thermosal, Rray, Rvg, Rvg 16 17, Scaliing, SCALING PASTE, SCALING 1, SCALING 2, Scaling and extraction, Scaling and implant, Scaling filli gremind, SCALINGCHECKUP, Scalling, Scalling 1, Scalng checkup, Semi implant, SENCICARE, Senolin SF, Senouel F, SENQIEL F, Sensi gel, Sensicare paste, Sensitive, Sensitivity management, Sensocare, Sensodent K, Sensodyne Paste, SENSOFORM, SENSOFORM PAINT GEL, Sensoform Paste, Sensopride, Serial extraction and cd, Sesoform, Shy nm tooth paste, Silvar cap, Silvar cap 1, Single rct, SM lava essential, SM Ultimate, SM023, SPLINTING, STOLIN R, Stomatab gel, STOMTAB, STRIGHT WIRE, Sucher, SUGAR TEST, SUGAR TEST 1, SUGAR TEST 2, SUGAR TEST 3, Suger, Surgery, SURGICAL PLATING, Surgical Remover, SURGURY, SURGURY EXTRACTION, Suspension, Suture, Suture remove, SUTUREREMOVEL, Synsodyne tooth paste, Syrap, SYRUP, T lac, TAB, TAB 1, TAB 2, TAB 3, Tab.door, Table, Tables, Tablet, Tablet 1, TABLETS 1, TABLETS 2, TABLETS 3, Tabltes, Talets, Taplat, TBLETS, TBLETS 1, Temporary crown, Temprory, Temprory crown, Temprory crown 1, Temprory Filling, TF, Thermokind, Thermokind mouthwash, Thermokind-f, Tissue remove, Tooth Brush, Tooth mosse, TOOTH MOUSE, Traction, Tradional implant, Trail, TUNTURE, Turbocort, TWIN BLOCK APPLIANCE, Twin Blocks, ULTIGEL, Upper, Upper 1, Upper Bridge, Upper Bridge 1, Upper Bridge 2, Upper bridge and implant, Upper CD, Upper cd lower pd, Upper cd repair, Upper Ceramic Bridge, Upper Clear Retainer, Upper hawleys lower clear retainer, Upper Immediate Implant, Upper implant, Upper lower pd, Upper pd, Upper rpd, Upper Splinting, UPPERCD, Vandej, Vantaj, Vantaj paste, Vantej, Vantej paste, Vantejpaste, Vendaj, Vendej, VENEERING, Ventajpaste, Wire change, Wire removal, Wiring, Wiring 1, WITHCAPFIXING, WOKADINE SORE, X, X ray, X ray, X RAY 1, X TAR, Xay, XRAY, XRAY 1, XRAY 2, XTAR TOOTHPASTE, Yearly checkup, Z Spring, ZE HEX GREEN, ZE HEX MOUTHWASH, Zensive, Zensive KF, Zenzive KF, ZH HEX MOUTHWASH, Zicronia crown, Zig trial, ZIRCONIA, ZIRCONIA 1, Zirconia Bridge, Zirconia classic, Zirconia crown, Zirconia crown 1, Zirconia monolith crown, Zirconia Natura, Zirconia premium, ZIRCONIA STANDARD, Zirconiya cap and Ztrconia bridge.
Dr. KISHORE KUMAR (specialized in Dentistry) is associated with this clinic.