ENT Speech & Hearing Centre is located in New Delhi, India. ENT Speech & Hearing Centre is specialized in Otolaryngology.
ENT Speech & Hearing Centre offers various treatments like Cochlear Implant, Congenital Ear Problem Treatment, Consultation, CSF Rhinorrhoea Repair, Ear Microsurgery, Ear Pain, Eardrum Rupture, Endoscopic Dcr Orbital Optic Nerve Decompression., Endoscopic Sinus Surgery, Endoscopic Skull Base Surgery, Foreign Body in Eyes Ears Nose and Throat, Head And Neck Cancer Surgery, Head and Neck Pain, Hearing Speech Impairment, Hearing Aid, Hearing Impairment, Hearing Loss, Hypophysectomy, Laryngoscopy, Laser Surgeries for Head And Neck Lesions., Micro Laryngeal Surgery., Mouth Bleed, Nasal Disorders, Nosebleed, Otoacoustic Emission OAE, Phonosurgery, Pure Tone Audiometry, Reconstructive Middle Ear Surgery., Revision Ear Surgery, Septorhinoplasty., Sinusitis, Sleep Apnea, Speaking Difficulty, Speech Audiometry, Surgery for Snoring, Surgery Of The Facial Nerve., Swallowing Problem, Thyroplasty., Tinnitus Ringing of ear, Tonsils Tonsillitis, Vertigo Dizziness and Wax Removal.
Dr. Susheel Kaura (specialized in Otolaryngology) is associated with this clinic.