Premium Dentistry | Implants | Anti - Ageing
Dental Spa is located in Vadodara, India. Dental Spa is specialized in Dentistry - Cosmetic and Implantology.
Dental Spa offers various treatments like 3D Dentures, 3M Ceramic Braces, 3rd molar extraction, 5YW PFM Crown, A1 Ceramic Bridge, A1 Ceramic Bridge 1, A1 Ceramic Crowns, A1 Implant Ceramic Bridge , A1 Implant Ceramic Bridge 1, Air Polishing, Anterior teeth alignment, Basic Zirconia Crown, Botox, Botox Treatment, Bridal Smile Package, Bridge Removal, Bruxzir Crown, Bruxzir Zirconia Bridge, Bruxzir Zirconia Crown, Buccal Bone Reduction, CADCAM Ceramic Bridge, CADCAM Ceramic Crowns, Canine Disimpaction, Cap Re Cementation, Cavity Filling, Cavity Fillings, Cavity Sealant, Ceramic Braces, Ceramic Bridge, Ceramic Bridge Tilite, Ceramic Crown, Ceramic Crowns, Ceramic Facing Metal Crown, Ceramic PFM Crown, Ceramic PFM crowns , Checkup, Checkup 1, Clear Aligners Illusion, Clear Orthodontic Retainers, Complete Denture Lucitone, CompleteDenture, Composite Build up Anterior, Composite Build up Posterior, Composite Fill, Composite Filling, Composite Filling Molars, Consultation, Core Build Up, CrownFit, CrownRe Cementation, Cyst Removal, Deep cleaning, Deep Periodontal Cleanup, Deep Scaling Polishing, Dental Implants Conventional, Dental Implants Immediate, Dental Post, DentalImplants, DentalImplants 1, DentalImplants 2, DentalImplants 3, DentCare Clear Aligners, Denture Lucitone, Denture Repair, Denture Teeth Replace, DentureDelivery, Denturetrial 1, Desensitizer Application, Diagnostic Wax Up, Direct Sinus Lift + Bone Grafting, Disimpaction, Dressing, E max Zirconia Bridge, Emax Zirconium Crown, Emergency Charge, Expert Consultation, Fixed Bonded Retainers, Flexible Denture Valplast, Flouride Application, Follow Up Scaling, Follow Up, Follow Up Bruxzir Crown, Follow Up Ceramic Braces, Follow Up Ceramic Crown, Follow Up Implants, Follow Up Metal Braces, Follow Up 1, Followup, Followup 1, Followup 2, Followup 3, Followup 4, Followup 5, Followup 6, Followup 7, FollowUp Ceramicbraces, FollowUp CeramicBridge, FollowUp CeramicBridge 1, Followup denture, FollowUp Dentures, Followup extraction, Followup implantceramiccrown, Followup implantplacement, FollowUp ImplantProsthesis, FollowUp Pulpectomy, FollowUp RCT, FollowUp RootCanal, FollowUp RPD, Followup ZirconiaCrowns, FollowUpBraces, FollowUpDenturedelivery, FollowUpextraction, FollowupScalingandpolishing, Followuptemporarycrown, Full Mouth Rehabilitation, Full Mouth Rehabilitation 1, FullMouthRehab, GIC filling, GIC Filling Pedo, Gingivectomy, Gold Membership, Hybrid Prosthesis, Implant Abutment, Implant Ceramic Bridge, Implant Crown, Implant Prosthesis, Implant Temporary Crowns, ImplantCeramicCrown, ImplantCrown, ImplantCrown 1, Implantfollowup, Implants, Implanttemporarycrown, Impression, Incision drainage, Indirect Pulp Capping, Intra Oral Scanning, IPC, IPS E.MAX Crown, ISmile Card, ISmile Card Gold, Lava Premium Crown, Lower Complete Denture, Lowerremovablepartialdenture, Metal Braces, Metal Braces Follow UO, Metal Crown, MetalBracesFollowUp, Mouth Guard Lower, Mouth Guard Upper, Night Guard, Non Peroxide Whiening, Non Surgical, Occlusal Adjustmenr, Old Crown Re fit, Old crown removal , Operculectomy, Ortho Appliance, Ortho Follow UP, Partial Dentures, Pedo Cleaning, Perio treatment, Periodontal Surgery Charges , PFM Ceramic Bridge, PFM Ceramic Crowns, Pit Fissure Sealant, Post - Core, Pterygoid Implants, Pulpectomy, RCF, Re Root Canal Treatment, Re Filling, RE RCT, Re Root Canal Treatment, Re-Cementation, Removable Partial Denture, Removable Partial Denture Lucitone, RiseUp Toothpaste, Root Canal, Root Canal 3rd Molar, Root Canal Treatment, Root Canal treatment Molar Tooth, Root Piece Extraction, Root Piece Removal, Rootpiece extraction, RPD Extra Tooth Addition, Scaling Polishing 2, Scaling Polishing, Silver Membership, Single Sitting Rootcanal Anterior Tooth, Single Visit Root Canal, Smart Zirconia 10Years Warranty, Smart Zirconia 7Years, Smile Design Mockup, Surgical Charge, Surgical Charges, Swiss Compressive Implants, Teeth Bonding, Teeth Extraction, Teeth Extraction Decidous, Teeth Re Shaping, Teeth Spa, Teeth Splinting, Teeth Whitening, Teeth Whitening Non Peroxide, Teeth Whitening O, Teethwhiteing, Temporary Crowns, Temporarycrown, Tilite PFM Crowns, Tissue Suture, TissueExcision, Titanium Ceramic Implant Bridge, Tooth Diamond, Tooth extraction , Tooth Extraction Decidous, Tooth Implant, Toothextraction surgical 1, Topical Fluoride Application, Ultra T Zirconia Bridge, Ultra T Zirconia Crowns, Upper teeth extraction, UpperRPD, Whitening Booster Session, Wisdom tooth extraction, Wisdom Tooth Removal, X Ray, X Ray Cost, X Rays, Zirconia 10 Years Warranty, Zirconia Bridge, Zirconia Bridge 1 and Zirconia Crown.
Dr. Preay Mehta (specialized in Dentistry) is associated with this clinic.