A patient visiting the dental office due to severe pain may feel anxious. A good dental clinic should have a calm and clean environment that makes it less anxious. It is the staff's responsibility to make the patient feel relaxed and comfortable. They should also be friendly and courteous with you.
DENTAL HUB IMPLANT AND TRAUMA CLINIC is located in Gwalior, India. DENTAL HUB IMPLANT AND TRAUMA CLINIC is specialized in Implantology and Dentistry - Conservative Dentistry.
DENTAL HUB IMPLANT AND TRAUMA CLINIC offers various treatments like Alveoplasty, Anterior Root Canal Treatment, Bleaching, Bleaching Per Tooth, Cervical Composite Restoration, Complete Scaling and Deep Curettage, CONSULTATION valid for 07 days only, Crown Removal by bur cutting, Deciduous Tooth Extraction, Deep Distal Pocket Curettage, Denture adjustment, Dressing, Faulty Prosthesis removal by bur, Fibre Post Core, Fracture tooth extraction, GC Fuji cementation per unit, IPC Indirect Pulp Capping, Loose Tooth Extraction, Lower Denture, Metal Space Maintainer, Metapex Dressing, Multiple tooth extraction, Obturation, Occlusal Reduction of third molar, Operculectomy, Orthodontic Treatment with Metal Braces, Polishing, Pulpectomy with Composite Restoration, Putty Hydrocolloid impression material, RC Opan, Re Root Canal Treatment, Rebasing of denture, RPD Adjustment, Sharp Cusp Reduction, Single Sitting Root Canal Treatment with Composite Restoration, Surgical Extraction, Third Molar Root Canal Treatment, Tooth Bleaching per sitting, Tooth Extraction and Xray.
Dr. Deepash jakhenia Dr.Shalini Jakhenia (specialized in Dentistry) is associated with this clinic.