what is the dosage of dazel ki
  what is the dosage of dazel ki

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what is the dosage of dazel kit?

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mild hypertension for 10 years. am on vinicor- am 25/2.5. take bp readings once in 3 months with a domestic monitor at home bp used to be 135/85 or thereabouts. last six months 145/85. wondering whether change medicine or dosage. advise

  Doctor's Answer

Hi, Try and monitor your blood pressure for a few days may be 7-10 days regularly. Monitor your b.p twice in a day, morning and evening. If your b.p is always above that 140 mark then your dosage might be changed. Otherwise b.p around 140 mark is considered good at that age ,other risk factors need to be assessed like your diabetic status and obesity but first of all you monitor your b.p for a few days regularly with your normal diet pattern (which should be low salt and oil intake) Feel free ...
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Hi i am 23 days pregnant, Confirmed after blood HCG test. Consulted doctor, she prescribed Mankind's Unwanted Kit. She told to use it as per instruction ..I read the manual its written to take 4-misoprostol tablets after 1-3 days of taking the mifepristone tablet. Its mentioned to take Misoprostol Vaginally. As my pregnancy is only 23 days i don't want to take misoprostol vaginally..rather i want to take it orally. Can i take Mankind Brand's Unwanted Kit's Misoprostol dose orally in my case. If not mankinds any other good brands..cipla, sun alternative for using misoprostol orally. S. Dey. Age-25, Weight 49, Hgeight 5 ft.

  Doctor's Answer

Hi, The time gap is same whether drug (misoprostol)taken orally or vaginally.the drug whether taken orally or vaginally it is to be taken 2+2,you will take the first dose after 24 hours of mifepristone and then after 12 hours rest of the 2 tablets. But these drugs will be useful only if the pregnancy is intrauterine. Hope you have confirmed that. Yes it is possible that some products of conception are retained even after drugs and that can be confirmed only after an ultrasound,which is to be d ...
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please let me know side effect of musli power and dosage for man above 55 years. Is it sufficient if it is taken whenever required or required to be taken continuously for good result.

  Doctor's Answer

Musli power is a herbal product,as such i have never prescribed it. The product does not claim to have any side effects but you should get a cardiac complete examination before you start with drugs because such drugs have adverse effects on heart usually if they would have.The drug has to be taken regularly for better effects and dose is variable from person to person and you should consult an ayurvedic doctor but average dose is two drugs morning with breakfast and two drugs night with mi ...
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My daughter - 11 kg -1.5 yrs old - is vomiting after milk feed. Can I give her ondem(strength 2mg/5ml)? If yes what will be the dosage?

  Doctor's Answer

Hi, syrup ondem can be given 3ml, twice a day for vomiting,but it can relive only vomiting.Avoid milk for a day or two and give her rest of her diet.Give her as much water as much she accepts. I hope the child does not have any fever or loose motion. ...
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what can cause hcg level to rise apart from pregnancy? i have missed period for only 2 days. Because of my curiosity, i brought two home pregnancy test kits and checked. when i checked for first time with I-CAN kit, i got faint pink line. I was happy that i was pregnant. The very next day, when i checked with APOLLO kit for confirmation, i got nothing. Im really in the state of confusion. Am i really pregnant or what?

  Doctor's Answer

Hi, Just wait for a few days, do it on seventh day of missing your periods,although some test kits are very good and they even would tell or give positive result on second day of you missing your periods,but still you can wait for a few more days to get confirmatory results. Do it on 7th day. Other causes of raised hcg are usually not so common. ...
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Hi i am 23 days pregnant, Confirmed after blood HCG test. Consulted doctor, she prescribed Mankind's Unwanted Kit. She told to use it as per instruction ..I read the manual its written to take 4-misoprostol tablets after 1-3 days of taking the mifepristone tablet. Its mentioned to take Misoprostol Vaginally. As my pregnancy is only 23 days i don't want to take misoprostol vaginally..rather i want to take it orally. Can i take Mankind Brand's Unwanted Kit's Misoprostol dose orally in my case. If not mankinds any other good brands..cipla, sun alternative for using misoprostol orally. S. Dey. Age-25, Weight 49, Hgeight 5 ft.
2 Answers
what can cause hcg level to rise apart from pregnancy? i have missed period for only 2 days. Because of my curiosity, i brought two home pregnancy test kits and checked. when i checked for first time with I-CAN kit, i got faint pink line. I was happy that i was pregnant. The very next day, when i checked with APOLLO kit for confirmation, i got nothing. Im really in the state of confusion. Am i really pregnant or what?
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I have a 22 month old daughter. She is having fever right now. Today's the first day. Fever is around 102 degrees. I have given her Sinarest paeditric drops 1.5ml. Is that the right dosage? Should I continue with that or should I shift to Calpol Paedritic drops (each ml contains Paracetamol IP 100 mg, colour - sunset yellow). What should be the dosage?
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Can I take MTP Kit (Cipla) during lactation? I have 7 month baby and breastfeed him regularly and now I am 1month 10 days (40 days) pregnant. If at all I take the kit when to stop and restart breastfeeding?
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Dear Doctor, Kindly go through this lengthy letter to you with patience and kindly advise me proper advise to clear my mind . I am 72 year old male from India and strictly Vegetarian.I am not sedentary type and walks 4 ½ km every day in the morning and always active. IHD and BP and TYPE II DIABETES I have had IHD (T wave inversion) in the year 1977 and mild hypertension in 1981. DIABETES IN 2010. The doctor who has attended then on me prescribed Aten 50 in 1977. Since then I have been using Aten 50 in one form or other like Aten 50/Atenlol/Stamlobeta. 37 long years have passed with out any problem with either of these two conditions . My BP is quite normal 120/80 and some times 110/70 and some times on very few occassions 140/80 or 90 and my pulse rate will be around 58 to 65 most of the time . My BP on the day of the visting my physician is 140/80 as on 12th dec 2014. My diabetes is under control and am taking glycomet 250 mg twice a day. The attending physician who is an MD has prescribed Cresar 40 mg (Telmisartan) and asked me to stop taking Stamlobeta 50 mg which i am taking from 2006 and further said since i am using this Amlodipine combined Atenlol ,its time to change the medicine and Cresar will also take care of the diabetes and kidneys and heart (IHD) besides BP. As on 12th july 2014 my Lipid profile is very normal. Cholestrol 123 , Tryglycerides 141 ,HDL 53 and VLDL 23. Kindly advise on the following. 1. Since I am taking Stamlobeta since 2006 and prior to that Aten 50 from 1977 to 2006., do I have to taper stamlobeta dosage besides taking Cresar 40 mg? 2. Do i have to continue taking Stamlobeta in small dosage along with Cresar 40 mg?.If so in which dosage do I have to take? 3.Is cresar 40 mg safe for IHD patients also? Please do not form the impression that i have no confidence in my Physician. But i have a tendency to go for second opinion on new drugs before starting a new one. I do not blindly or in hasty manner take any new medicine .Hence I require an expert advise in the matter on the following. If you require any further info, kindly advise me. sincerely somayajulu
1 Answer